

'We investigate the patterns and mechanisms of genomic variation in disease'

Translational Molecular Oncology

Our research unit is formed by a multidisciplinary team composed of biologists, medical oncologists and pathologists with the common objective of understanding the molecular alterations involved in cancer to help in patients´ diagnosis and prognosis.

We have currently several projects on going aimed to find new biomarkers and molecular targets that can be used towards a precision medicine, opening new avenues in the therapeutic options, using tissue and liquid biopsies. We believe that our work is predestined to have a clear clinical application that could change cancer diagnosis and would help oncologists for personalized treatments.



Projects (PI: Mónica Martínez-Fernández)

  1. Proyecto de Investigación en Salud del ISCIII, AES2019, “Ampliando el horizonte para los biomarcadores predictores de respuesta a inmmunoterapia”, (2020-2022).
  2. AECC Investigator "Estudio del impacto funcional de la transducción de secuencias reguladoras mediada por retrotransposones altamente mutagénicos” (2018-2022).
  3. OCTOPUS project: Oncoloxía Customizada para Tratar Os PUlmónS (https://proxectooctopus.org/) funded by the Vigo Against Cancer Association, (2020-).
  4. Ideas Semilla AECC: “Estudio de nuevos mecanismos moleculares en la respuesta a inmmunoterapia”, (2020-2022).